Why us


Dear valued customers,

Welcome to Hanoi, the contemporary Capital of Vietnam, we are honoured to offer you the most comfortable, affordable and hospitable cycling experience, organised by Get Up & Go Vietnam. This new experience you should not miss during your precious stay in Hanoi.

4 years ago, a Dutch guy named Eric, decided to set up Get Up & Go Vietnam with the simple wish to provide the best travel experience and service for their guests during their stay in Hanoi and Vietnam. Together with his wife Hue, they offer unforgettable memories and with over 10 years of first hand travel experience in Vietnam they are the best and most reliable travel partner for you.

Due to latest trends in traveling needs, we understand that guests are looking for true and local experience and like explore the most untouched local neighbourhoods, which you cannot get reach by car or popular traveling vehicles. There, you will see real local life, untouched or influenced by tourism. With sincere behaviour, natural smiles, local daily life activities and more importantly, where true eastern traditional costumes are remained. With our bikes, you can easily navigate through the narrow streets and alleys and with your knowledgeable guide you’ll be able to understand real life of Hanoi-ans. It may easily be different from what you have read on social media and it will for sure positively surprise you.

One of the reasons, Eric would love to arrange this experience for you, is social responsibility. The awareness of protecting the environment in Hanoi and Vietnam is an important subject that needs attention but most of all awareness. Gas and Diesel are still consumed intensively and is one of the main polluters for the 9 million inhabitants of the city. So with travelling by bike we try to get more attention and awareness by Hanoi-an’s to protect their lovely green streets with less noise from vehicles, less dust from factories and less accidents due to traffic chaos. By choosing this cycling trip you contribute to the protection of the environment and create more awareness by younger people to travel green.

Join Get Up & Go Vietnam on this unforgettable experience and create some nice and meaningful memories.

Our slogan: Green traveling
Mission Statement: To be your reliable travel partner in Vietnam
To customers: To make cycling trip with effective, meaningful and affordable trips.
To employees: To create more jobs and arising the awareness of environment protecting
To community and environment: Responsible for community’s benefit and protecting social and natural environment.

Core Values: Customer Service Orientation and find more interesting corners to cycling into.